Current Graduate Research Projects
Note: Currently hypersonics-related PhD or Masters projects are governed by Australian export control restrictions, which means it’s much easier for Australian students to do those projects than overseas students, who may experience visa difficulties. Non-hypersonics projects (those concentrating on laser diagnostic development, biomedical applications or plasma physics) are potentially available to good students from any place. Feel free to contact me via this site if you are interested in any of these projects, or if you have ideas of your own that fit in with my research areas.
In Australian Universities, PhDs typically come with scholarships. Students will be offered candidature and tuition fee scholarship and living allowance through the Australian Government if they are well enough qualified. Tuition fee scholarships are particularly important for overseas students as tuition fees for international students at Australian Universities are a significant expense. The ANU has information for prospective research students that indicate the process for application. While I am happy to discuss technical aspects of projects, it’s best for prospective students to contact the University graduate school for procedural details.
We have projects in the development of diagnostic techniques for low-density flows, hypersonic flows and plasmas. We also have projects involved with understanding turbulence and vibrational nonequilibrium in hypersonic nozzle expansions, which is of great interest for the simulation of hypersonic flow behaviour. We also study fundamental energy addition processes using plasmas. Please contact me to determine the sort of projects we can offer if you are interested.