

I currently have a laboratory that is set up for laser based research and has the T2 free-piston shock tunnel installed.  T2 was first commissioned in the mid 1960s at the Australian National University and ran continuously until 2002.  In 2004, with the closing of the hypersonics facilities at the ANU (where Australian Hypersonics research first began), both T2 and a larger double-diaphragm shock tube facility DDT were transferred to UNSW Canberra, and the ANU T3 flagship tunnel was moved initially to North Queensland and then to Oxford University where it became the T6 facility.   The small T2 tunnel was in storage at the University of New South Wales for nearly 20 years before being recommissioned in the School of Engineering at the ANU, a process that should be completed in 2024.  T2 is a small facility with a short test time, but can operate at total enthalpies of up to 20 MJ/kg, making it suitable for investigating thermochemical effects of re-entry flows.  The test time of the facility is around 300 microseconds.  At UNSW, DDT was converted into a free-piston shock tunnel and renamed T-ADFA.

  • T2
  • T-ADFA
  • ANU Laser diagnostics equipment