
About Me

Hi, I’m Sean, an academic who works in hypersonics, plasma engineering and laser-based flow measurement techniques, at the Australian National University, in the School of Engineering, where I teach and do research in Aerospace Engineering.

This website is designed to share with others who might have similar interests some of the research that I’m interested in, and the research and teaching methods that I use, in the hope that the information will be of use to others.  I’m particularly interested in ideas for pursuing and documenting experimental research more effectively, and this web site is mostly about that.

I am a scientist interested in applying laser-based measurements to a range of interesting engineering problems, particularly in the areas of high-speed flows and combustion, but also in a range of other areas of interest such as plasma sensing and computer simulation of rarefied flows in thermal nonequilibrium.  I’m always looking for keen students to help with our research projects.  If you are an Australian student looking to start a PhD in Space Science, lasers or hypersonics in particular, please contact me.